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All books using the keywords: Akwasi Manu Wakil

The Fruit of Islam Training Manual Akwasi Manu Wakil
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9798885674454
The Fruit of Islam Training Manual is for boys and men who desire God Knowledge, however did not receive it due to their parents or grandparents refusing to "Accept their Own" and "Be Themselves" when their elders were given the opportunity by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This manual is specifically spiritually designed for boys and men. This manual will give divine guidance desperately needed by today's male youth and older men alike. Most importantly this manual will teach boys and men 'how to think' as opposed to 'what to think'. The Fruit of Islam Training Manual is God Knowledge, specifically for boys and men, shared with The Honorable Elijah Muhammad from Master Fard Muham ...
The Supreme Wisdom Lessons by Master Fard Muhammad Akwasi Manu Wakil
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9798885671279
The Supreme Wisdom Lessons are for those willing to "Accept their Own" and "Be Themselves". It teaches who, what, when, where, and why in a mathematical way. Forcing the reader to begin rotating his mind in a godlike manner. The Supreme Wisdom Lessons are formed from the divine questions of Master Fard Muhammad and answered by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad; reflecting the brilliance of a mind familiar with all the secrets of religion and masonry. This original, non-grafted, version of The Supreme Wisdom Lessons are for the diligent students of The Messenger to further advance their studies.