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All books using the keywords: A. Elliott-Tolbert

Shell-Shocked K.A.O.S. - Tootie's Tails A. Elliott-Tolbert
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781642549256
In the third book of the series, Sis is still facing drama - especially since pledging under the Blood Brothers. While minding her own business, Sis stumbles upon a transfer athlete named Tootie. He has gained the attention of several girls but his eyes are stuck on Sis. After dealing with KING'S TEMPTATION, Sis does not want to be 'tied-down'. She gives Tootie a proposition he could not refuse. Tootie - on the other hand - used Sis' proposition as an opportunity to 'sow his oats' however he eventually proves his love for Sis when he lives up to his line name. K.A.O.S. Kick Ass On Sight. Will Sis' proposition create a level of chaos that will leave her shell-shocked... Fo ...