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Science and Technology > Education

A2M-Miracle Protein, the lifesaver Mohammad Khan
Books with a 0 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 9781946634290
One of our body proteins, alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2M) acts as a life saving molecule which is not known yet in our medical science. Since the creation of the universe, the Creator has endowed not only us, but all living creatures, with an immune system which allows us to survive by protecting us from the attacks of numerous pathogens. When the ability of this immune system is reduced, our bodies cannot stay healthy. The life saving function of A2M for all living creations in the world is not yet came to the light of science. A2M is a broad spectrum protease inhibitor that inhibits any type of protease and keep us healthy without our knowledge. To prove the vital role of life saving fun ...
Changing Climate and the Gospel in North America (V4) Kenneth Petersen
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This book is based on a PowerPoint presentation describing how the author's nearly 40 years of climate research concludes that the Lord has an active roll in the lives of his Latter-day Saints including using climate to accomplish His ends. The Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age had large impacts on (1) the ability to grow corn in Utah, (2) the discovery of America, (3) the restoration of His gospel through the Joseph Smith, and (4) the settling of the valley of the Great Salt Lake.
Color Grading of the Universe Professor. Ben Swetmore
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Spiral Bound
In this release, Professor. Ben Swetmore supplies us with a very interesting scientific reading discussing the various different levels of color-grading's, or more simply visual changes, that have been occurring on the Earth for many years, as evidenced by early photo and film records. Swetmore goes deeper than that, using things such as ancient ruins, to estimate for at-least how many thousands of years these changes have been occurring. He also speculates as to whether these distinct changes are confined to the Earth and other Planets, or the entire Universe in general, and whether or not they are apart of a gradual-evolution that has been occurring since the very beginning...
Inquiring Minds Journal for Kids Attest Education
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
How do we make learning fun at school AND at home? Engage children in the process of discovery.  This is the reason why we advocate for things like reflection and questioning ---because it prompts our curiosity and pushes us to want to discover what we don't know. There should be a time where children can ponder on their own questions and do their own digging.
Osnove kemijske termodinamike Leonard K. Nash
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633181335
To je slovenski prevod Nashevega učbenika. Knjiga obravnava, kako lahko samo iz toplotnih podatkov izračunamo ravnotežje kemične reakcije. Obrazložitev poudari stvarno stran termodinamike v nasprotju s cisto matematičnimi vidiki. Izračuni so omejeni na prgišče osnovnih integralov, ki so vsi pojasnjeni v dodatku. Uvod utemelji pojme temperature, toplote, dela, povratnosti in prostorninskega dela. Prvi zakon termodinamike razišče s pomočjo energije, entalpije, termokemije in Hessovega zakona, toplotne kapacitete, Kirchhoffovih enačb in adiabatnih pretvorb. Razlaga drugega zakona termodinamike zaobjame Carnotov krožni postopek, pojem entropije in presojo sprememb entropije. Pomembnost termo ...
Philosophiæ Naturalis pro Liberi John Taylor Brantley
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798850059583
Philosophy can be an intimidating word. For some, philosophy evokes images of old bearded men in togas, thinking about everything and asking questions with no real purpose or answer. For others, it may just be a class that they have to pass in order to finish college. While there is a certain element of truth in both, philosophy is much more than hard questions and college classrooms. Philosophy is the love and pursuit of knowledge. Natural philosophy is the quest to understand the natural world through study and observation. By extension, natural philosophy helps us to better know and understand the creator who designed that world. In that way, natural philosophy is the study of G ...
The 20 Minute Miracle - 3rd Edition Mike Casey
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The term "Miracle" is vastly overused, but not in the case of Ozone. So, why has Ozone been vilified by many people, organizations, and governmental entities? Only a complete lack of knowledge about Ozone or a hidden agenda is responsible for a bad reputation about Ozone. This book will provide information and education about Ozone's miraculous ability to improve the human condition in many ways.
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