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Entertainment > Performing Arts

Die Realität von Hollywood Benjamin Schnau
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Ich möchte meine Geschichte mit Dir teilen, da ich weiß, dass viele Menschen da draußen den gleichen Traum und Wunsch haben, ein etablierter, erfolgreicher Schauspieler(in) in Hollywood zu werden. Für all diejenigen da draußen möchte ich klarstellen, dass diese Reise, die Du vielleicht unternehmen möchtest, indem Du deine Heimatstadt oder -land verlässt, nicht einfach und umso herausfordernder sein wird, je länger Du hier lebst. Dieses Buch ist die Realität von Hollywood, die Wahrheit dessen, was ich erlebt habe, und vor allem eine Hilfe, wie Du vorgehen könntest. Für jeden Menschen mag der Weg anders sein, aber die Dinge, die ich erlebt habe, werden Dir auf die eine oder andere Weise ...
SURE Edna Schneider
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633184954
SURE is the memoir of a woman who experiences challenges, joys, sorrow and opportunities influenced by her generation’s free thinking and rebellious spirit. She comes of age as a puppeteer, and then finds financial independence as a speech/language pathologist never abandoning her creativity. She gains self-knowledge and acceptance while travelling through the experiences of significant relationships, confronting issues of body image and food, and exploring her spirituality. She is always willing to sacrifice on behalf of what really matters to her: independence, personal freedom, creativity, love, friendships, family and her daughter.
THE GUITAR STORY : from Ancient to Modern Times bob fetherolf
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781483516837
The Guitar Story (2nd edition)is the updated and in depth look of the evolution of the guitar, but it is not an attempt to include everything about the guitar or about every guitar ever made. This is the short story, yet it is fully comprehensive. I have stripped the fine print, educated guess work and in endless analysis down to the known facts. Also included are biographies of some of the greatest guitarists to date. A fun read for all. You do not need to be a guitarist to appreciate and enjoy this book. It is an intriguing read for anyone interested in the guitar or music history, as well as a real page turner for our current and future rock guitar heros. * Did you know that the leg ...
The Luck of Lucretia Ken de Courcy Paul Hallas & Guest Contributors
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
IMPORTANT: When purchased from The Book Patch this instruction booklet DOES NOT include the cards required (hence the low price). The book contains a series of routines for magicians and mentalists with six cards that have a picture of a wine glass on. In most, the participant continues to end up with the poison glass (in one case even after it has been removed from play). It is possible to do these routines simply by drawing wine glasses on the backs of your business cards and the majority of the routines require no sleight of hand making them suitable for any skill level. This was an authorized, re-edited reprint with additional material.
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