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All books using the keywords: Sharyn Abbott

About Face - Traits Tell Tales Sharyn Abbott
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
I began studying Physiognomy in 1995. I was fascinated by the accuracy of being able to look at someone’s face & know whether I should talk fast or slow; stand near or far; give them volumes of information or just the facts & be able to gauge whether they made decisions based on current information or their previous experiences. Just by looking at their face. I became fairly adept at recognizing these traits & being able to develop a quick rapport with people I would meet at business meeting or while I was speaking. It gave me the ability to be comfortable enough to engage people whom I otherwise might never approach. I turned this into a sales course for my entrepreneurial education p ...
Be Your Own Boss Guide Sharyn Abbott
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Congratulations on taking control of your destiny, you might be finally finished with self sabotaging your success because of this decision to start your own business. There is no reason why you can’t experience all the Joy, Happiness, Honor, Relationships, Fame, Wealth, Leadership and Expertise you know you have always deserved … as well as any other human virtue you desire. Anyone who can be a good employee can be an entrepreneur. Everyone who has learned to turn in a good day’s work should consider starting their own business so they can control their level of income; their time focused on their business and how to create a lifestyle they have always imagined for their family. ...
Create Your Own Reality Sharyn Abbott
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Lose all the weight you want, fall in love with your soul mate, make millions of dollars . . . How can you make all of those self help books actually work? Create Your Own Reality The Ancient Wisdom . . . is an uncanny guide to help you shed the years of suppression, being misled or trying to deal with the circumstances of life that has appeared to hold you back from the miracles you deserve. Learn how you can design your perfect reality!
NeuroEmotional antiSabotage Technique Sharyn Abbott
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book is designed to help you discover and apply resources which will help you remove every negative emotion you have ever been exposed to by your parents, siblings, friends, teachers, relationships, church, media and all others exposures everyone of us is bombarded with over our lifetime! These negative inputs keep us from living the life we deserve. They keep us from being who we are meant to be and chain us to a sense of false reality which will never support us in our path to living a fulfilled life. You can let go of the fear of flying, speaking, meeting new people, finding the love of your life, crossing a bridge or even simply discovering your true passions in life!