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All books using the keywords: Scott Anderson

The Prophecy of Jeridya Scott Anderson
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Size: 5.06" x 7.81"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Civil War has erupted between two factions of the Ancient Greek gods. Locked in an eternal conflict, the gods’ only hope is a prophesied Child of Hades with unimaginable power. But after years of searching and no trace of the fabled Chosen One, the gods turn their focus to the war. Two thousand years later, the fight continues in a deadlock. But, a new hope for an end to the war has arrived. That hope has come in the form of a fifteen-year-old demigod, Jack Walker. Now Jack and his friends must train to fight or see the world locked in a conflict as immortal as the gods themselves. Jack must come to terms with his place in the world and learn that, in war, hope is all that matters.