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All books using the keywords: Rev. Chadd Hatfield, Ph.D Certified Biblical Counselor

A Biblical Handbook on our Power over darkness.... IN NOMINE IESU CHRISTI Rev. Chadd Hatfield, Ph.D Certified Biblical Counselor
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
We as Born Again Christians, deal with the humanistic world around us all the time. Within the realm of stress, struggle, or any other issues that cause concern in our spiritual lives, mostly dealing with the fact, that we live in a fallen world, which is infected by the cancer of sin. However, the demonic realm lurks, and desires to shoot arrows at believers, however, we do have power over this darkness, and in such, that we can "submit ourselves to God, command the devil to flee, and he will" James 4:7. So this booklet will assist a believer in seeing their identity in Christ, their power from God, the truths and falsehoods about the demonic, and to walk courageously into spiritual ...