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All books using the keywords: John Olin

Susquehanna essays John Olin
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781645508021
This little volume is a river dweller's homage to forty years inspired by the spirit of Susquehanna, a return gift of storytelling, poetry, and color images. Eight essays to turn us on our heads so all the stuff in our pockets--state lines, dams, power plants, mines, the lint of classification--all drop out and we see Susquehanna for who she is, nothing but an unbound goddess. We think we have restored her to a place of honor. She is the one always at work touching us deeply and restoring Our honor. From a lofty bridge in a moment long ago I caught a glimpse of a wide river meeting a great bay, and the unknown river country slept in my imagination till good fortune brought ...
Babaru of The South Seas an ethnographic novel by john olin
Books with a 2 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620309971
Mentored by anthropologist George Beal, a sixteen-year old redhead, Davy Match of Baltimore, USA, goes to the South Pacific in search of the endangered leatherback sea turtle (Babaru) and the Mota people who protect it as their clan animal. He joins a local boy named Abraham. They trek through noisy rainforests, paddle an outrigger dugout over clear lagoons, and have a wild ride on the tail of a typhoon off a taboo headland. Their journey brings them face to face with a forest girl, a wild man, a sorcerer, as well as giant turtles and crocodiles. A girl, Niki, from the village of Shell Money Reef, and many other children join the boys, and they make a courageous effort to protect Mother ...
Red Sky John Olin
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620309995
This is the third book of the Adventures of Davy Match ( preceeded by 'Babaru of the South Seas' and 'The Chocolate Dam'). Professor Beal sends Davy, now a high school senior, to East Africa to find a small tribe of mountain people, the Te’uk, whom he had contacted and studied as a young man. Davy is caught up in the fate of a boy his age, Lokole, who has suffered deep trauma. Davy and Lokole travel through the fictional country of Burando, witnesses to genocide, arms trading, and the smuggling of blood minerals from Conga. Returning to his school, Davy organizes his classmates in a cause to free Lokole who has been arrested in Burando, and with the help of an Amnesty International type ...
The Chocolate Dam John Olin
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781620309988
In his second Adventure, Davy Match, now seventeen, is invited by Professor Beal to join an archeological dig in Anatolia. The professor gets into a jam with a rare letter on archeology he’s “borrowed” from the British Museum, and Davy is sent off to Kurdistan to lay low, with this letter— written by the hand of Benjamin Franklin. On a mountaintop, by the enormous head of an ancient God-King, he meets Gül, a mysterious Kurdish girl, who instructs him to go to the town of Hasankeyf on the River Tigris, a town doomed to be flooded by the construction of a hydro dam. Gül challenges him to help her find the grave of her missing brother, a Kurdish fighter. With the help of an observer from th ...