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All books using the keywords: Brian Wood

Horton Hears a Murder Brian Wood
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
In a quaint town steeped in enigma, a poignant tale of conflict and bloodshed unfolds, right above the shelves of Horton's bookshop. Horton, the unassuming bookshop proprietor, becomes an unwitting eavesdropper to the desperate struggle and the chilling demise of Marvin K. Mooney. When Samantha enters his book-filled sanctuary, she finds herself burdened with a confession of paramount importance to the person who has captured her heart. Over the course of one fateful night, Samantha unveils the events that led her to this crucial moment, in a suspenseful narrative that weaves together love, intrigue, and treachery. Welcome to the gripping world of "Horton Hears a Murder."