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Veteran's Stories > Afghanistan

Cybersecurity Hygiene Technology Practices Vol.1 A Universal Guide to Begin Practicing Good Cybersecurity Hygiene Shelly Waite-Bey
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637904169
Cybersecurity is like an art. Think of how precise a line must be for an artist to create or finish a masterpiece. The same precision an artist has is similar to an expert in Cybersecurity. In Cybersecurity, the network (line) must also be as precise and have the most security for performance. Basic Cybersecurity Hygiene is the bare minimum security controls, practices and/or measures needed for a network. Proactive Cybersecurity is not only monitoring the network but also preparing to improve the culture and what's on the network from an even more secure perspective. Cybersecurity Hygiene Technology Practices Vol.1, A Universal Guide to Begin Practicing Good Cybersecurity Hygi ...
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