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Books with a 4 star rating(10)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781648581670
A Wilderness of Forking Paths Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"A Wilderness of Forking Paths" is the antipodal companion to the previous Whisanant Mythos volume, "A Wild Hunt." Absent a moral/philosophical wilderness guide such as "A Wild Hunt," "...Forking Paths" illustrates the tragic potential lying in wait for each of us in the form of traps along life's wandering pathways. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence images extracted from a parallel reality regarding our subject's twin doppelganger there, this book uses the Temple of Scientonomy's computer network to translate those images into a storyline depicting an altogether different outcome for the parallel Dixie Whiz! Printed on glossy stock, featuring over 75 original full-color plates. Volu ...
CodeName: White Devil Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781387400263
Polymath autodidact Doyce Whisanant is back in action, working as a Security Contractor in biotech. But nothing is as clear-cut as it may seem, as he's soon embroiled in a police shooting and manhunt. Volume Five of the Whisanant Mythos.
Cuckoo Cavalcade Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9780359012930
Finally! The long-awaited family photographic history of the free-spirited and free-wheeling Whisanant clan! The specially-commissioned Family Album is annotated by Floyle Whisanant, and traces the unique family history from its origins in Ireland all the way until contemporary times. Volume Twelve of The Whisanant Mythos.
Dark Days, White Devil Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book of fictional histories harnesses the unremitting absurdity of the self-satirizing modern globalist agenda and presents the reader with a roach's-eye-view of our topsy-turvy world, populated with outer space aliens, Earthbound weirdos, transhumanist cretins, ancient sages, mischievous disincarnate intelligences, and raging identity lunatics. It will help the bewildered reader dissect and resist the Commie nonsense virus with the flamethrower of truth, common sense, and outlaw humor. Volume 23 of the Whisanant Mythos.
Just the Good Parts Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Just the Good Parts" presents tales of love, lust, loss and hypergamy in a sordid collection of stories that only the White Devil Press would dare publish. Also, another novella-length examination of adult theme park Florida, in which Doyce Whisanant recounts his "Lost Days in the Adventure Club." Volume 29 of The Whisanant Mythos, and as usual, not one for the squeamish.
Loquat's Way Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781387564026
This series of interconnected stories & comics paints a vernacular history of the step-mule species, specifically the adventures and encounters of Loquat, who comes to North America in order to expand his horizons. Enchanted reading for youth of all ages, Loquat's simple wisdom contains something for us all. Volume Seven of The Whisanant Mythos.
Reflections in a Crystal Gator Head Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Reflections in a Crystal Gator Head" represents yet another compendium of all that is the uncanny beauty and strangeness of Florida, both contemporary and historical. Haunted brothels, fortune tellers, contractor assholes, Skunk Apes, sentient spacecraft, and a letter to a mermaid are just a few of the oddities to be found in this collection of interconnected stories: "The Giddy Leper," "Dead On," "Bastard Etiquette," "Noise Party, "Chuyote Tacqueria Rendezvous," "Missive to a Mermaid," "Arnoldsville," "The Dogtrot Expedition," "Cryptocalypse," and "The Tiki Lounge at the End of Time." Volume 24 of The Whisanant Mythos.
Sing a Song of Frottage Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
"Sing a Song of Frottage" features a few quaint & humorous glimpses into life's compelling darkness, as the adventurous reader is tossed headlong into the phantasmagorical miasma of this twisted, absurdist era. Our Cheapskate Chapbooks Series is a slimline collection of edited favorites in a lightweight, unchallenging format specially designed for today's aliterate intellectual. You have more important things to spend your money on than improving the mind and spirit, and we here at the White Devil Press know it. They're cheap enough to abuse, yet booky enough to make for fun reading! Buy a bunch and pass them out at church or at the next drug gang meet-up! Now there's no more excuse f ...
Skank Ape City Tony Arnold
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
In this sprawling saga from our protagonist's early beginnings of investigative intrigue, he is drawn into south Florida's narcotics underground for an assignment with danger and destiny. Double agents, drug lords, Florida Woman and female Yetis abound in one of the most entertaining entries in the Whisanant Mythos ever published, of which this is volume 26.

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