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Adventure > Outdoors & Environmental

By The Light Of The Campfire Elliot Boone
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885676854
As Adam Lynch wandered around Wallcott Forest, separated from his colleagues on what was supposed to be his first nature hike, he was relieved to cross paths with an experienced woodsman. As he relaxed by the campfire in the rustic comforts that his companion had to offer, he listened attentively as the woodsman tells the stories of the area as the flames flicker within his rugged blue eyes. After hearing stories of murder and mayhem, Adam eventually realizes that things may not be all of what they seem. Is it too late? Did stumbling upon his new companion prove to be a blessing or a curse? At the sound of the coyote’s howl, some lose themselves in devastation, while others discover enli ...
Looking For Elves At Wood Creek: Hunting And Other Stories John Graham
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
For years the author slept in a tent, whizzed in a can, up in the dark, battling nerves and heat, chasing birds, boar and deer . . . What was it, he wondered? Among roadrunners, ex-dinosaurs, bump-in-the-night visitors and infernal temperatures, a narrative ensues. Only then is a sense of gratitude and revelation found in the dry wash of a season’s finale. John Graham is a California artist, oral historian and the creator of the El Fornio Story Cycle where Junipero Serra’s heart can be found in a jar. WWW.ELFORNIO.ORG
Peril of the Peak Kinsadie Bowen
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
A group of teenagers head off to winter retreat in the Appalachian mountains. It seems like nothing could go wrong, they were with all their friends and had 24/7 coffee what more could you ask for? But when they go off on a camping trip, everything that could go wrong,does.
Twisted Mind John King
Books with a 5 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Sink back into your favorite chair with whiskey in hand, a candle burning bright, and your dogs at your feet. Journey into secret lands few will ever see. Kill for love, seek gold below jagged cliffs and receive a call from a being out in distant space. Twisted Mind is a book full of artistic cartoons and creative stories, most of them true. At eight years old I realized my mind was not healthy. I kept this secret most of my life fearing I would have to take drugs or live in a straight jacket if I ever mentioned it. Although there were some hard times I believe being "off" might have helped my creativity. I don't suffer from mental illness anymore.. I rather enjoy it. Excerpt fr ...
World travel J.Paul Tyler Wood
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Are you tired of being stuck listening to 'World Travelers' talk endlessly about their experiences? Are you tired of watching youtube travelers show exotic places while you are stuck at work and not knowing how to go? This book is for you! This book will teach you how to travel step by step and get to those exotic far away places! This book is designed for you to do it ALONE or with a friend or a group of friends and family. EVERYTHING you need is in this book! We go step by step to show you how to plan, buy a cheap ticket, pack, and arrive safely in your new country. We also teach you how to become the BEST WORLD TRAVELER possible by giving you the hacks and secrets to see things that m ...
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