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Grey Areas: Interdisciplinary Concepts and the Crafters of Social Science Robb Elton
Books with a 4 star rating(2)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637907092
LOOKING BACK TO ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA we find Gilgamesh at the founding of the first city, Uruk (present-day Iraq), and early religions. From civilization sprang social unrest, war, discourse, and finally codification of law. The same concepts that bound humans then, bind us today. It is through the interdisciplinary character of human behavior that we have learned much about human culture, spawning disciplines such as criminology, psychology, and sociology. This book brings you through history and explores practical concepts that you can use yourself to become a more effective human. This is a valuable primer for sociology, psychology, criminology that acquaints readers to essential ...
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