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Kai Blue Nana Banana
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 8" x 10"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633185302
Kai Blue is six years old when he meets his dolphin friend, Malu on a beach on the island of Kauai. It is one of the planet's most clean and beautiful beaches but Malu talks to Kai about the importance of taking care of ALL the earth "for all its value, all its worth." Together, they call upon Kai's friends and family to clean up litter and debris. Malu and his crew of dolphins thank the hundreds of people who came out to help and the Kauai people pledge to do their share to keep everything looking bright and new. Kai Blue teaches children of all ages about the small ways children can make a big difference in protecting the earth and preserving it for future generations.
Who's Caring for the Commons? Patti Fish
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Imagine a world focused on healing. imagine a world focused on "We" not "I". This book will challenge you to see the world and the future through a creative inclusive lens where we all can be stewards of the Earth. Learn how to drive change through sharing and caring. Become a leader of community responsibility. Learn how to live and share your best self while inspiring others to become that change that will benefit all of humanity. Who's Caring for the Commons is an invitation to share a new narrative. Beginning with a thought, then a dream, then an action. It was written from the heart by two women, from two different cultures. Reading it will inspire you.
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