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Fantasy > Urban Fantasy

Champions: The Ten Estelle Faust
Books with a 4 star rating(5)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885670036
Champions: The Ten is a Contemporary Fantasy novel that explores polytheism in a modern world where magic and mundane societies coexist openly. Charles knew that becoming the champion of the god of Law was a dangerous position when he accepted, but he never imagined he’d be so deeply over his head. Despite only having been a mage for two years, he must contend with a whirlwind of doomsday cults, abuse of power in the mundane world, deadly divine politics, and prophetic mages voluntarily institutionalizing themselves all while navigating his feelings for a mysterious new friend. And now a colleague is asking him, the Champion of Law, to be an accessory to a felony. He most definitely d ...
Under the Stars Part 2: Love, Lard, Libtards, Liberation L.A.M.D.E.N. N.E.D.M.A.L.
Books with a 4 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
You won't regret buying this tear jerking masterpiece. Buy it. Please, gently remove all your skin. The One has my family. I'm in your walls. I can see your every movement. “The divorce was difficult for me 😂.” - Nagirto Kimeada.
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