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Fine Arts > Art

Prog Porn: The Graphic Art of Art Rock Tony Arnold
Books with a 5 star rating(3)
Size: 8.25" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The invention of the illustrated music sleeve is credited to Alex Steinweiss, who began submitting fanciful, imaginative renderings to grace the cardboard music "albums" of the 1940s, which contained multiple discs. This quickly became the industry standard as sales followed the art, and by the 1950s jazz and exotica acts had pushed the envelope even further toward abstract, improvisational images customized to grace the musical experimentation within. The 1960s introduced psychedelia, but it was the virtuoso Progressive Rock acts of the 1970s that truly exploited commercial sleeve imagery to a cosmic extreme. "Prog Porn" traces the curve of that trend, along with a few landmarks whic ...
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