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Fiction & Literature on page 17

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Distinguished Short-Stories Ben Swetmore
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
From the Archives... Comes a new compilation book of 36 Short-Stories by Ben Swetmore, across nearly two-hundred pages. Starting out with various stories from The Ben Book Franchise, we soon delve into many other short-stories by the author, with titles such as "The Farmstead", "The Alien Amongst Us", "The 8-Ball Man", "Man of the Lake", "The Ancient One", "Aliens on the Moon", and "Echoes of Tomorrow", among many others. So if you enjoy Comedy stories, Science-Fiction stories, slice-of-life tales, Mysteries, or anything in-between, then this is by all means a book that you will most-certainly enjoy.
Don't Change Your Last Name So Soon Larrilyn Benton
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Jazeyl Mone Winter’s lost her family at a young age. She was lied to, abused, in and out of foster homes, and betrayed by those she loved. She turned to the streets, and they became her family — that’s when she met the man of her dreams, Mr. Penbrook, a.k.a Magic, and married him. Between domestic violence, love, lies and deceit, incarceration would surely be in her future. Just when Jazeyl thought life was getting better, her past comes back to haunt her. But will she make a way out of no way, or let the challenges of her life consume her?
Dr. P.A.M. "Class is in Session" All Day Production, LLC
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781648587252
Dr. Patrician Ann Mulligan shares her experiences, knowledge, and wisdom with three couples that are having trouble re-kindling their fire and passion that they once had for each other. Dr. P.A.M. also shares with them her own personal "Come to Jesus Moment."
Dragon Psalms Red Dragon The Poet
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798504872650
Dragon tales is a relatable journey for anyone that has ever experienced the roller coaster ride of love, the pitfalls and triumphs of life, and the lasting impression of trauma. Red Dragon gives a voice to those that cannot speak up for their pain, or too fearful to walk in their truth and embrace themselves with acceptance of self and knowledge of self worth. In life we all go through phases and Phase One of Dragon Psalms is sure to leave you wanting more!
Dream Point Steve Atkins
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633181052
Dr. Thomas Stephens has a debilitating condition of his hand. Ronald Reagan had it; Margaret Thatcher had it; but, more importantly, Dr. Stephens’ father had it and it contributed to his untimely and horrible death. Tom's love for his father drives him to find a cure. A tribe in the Amazon jungles of Peru has found that cure and Dr. Stephens is intent on locating the tribe. The cure comes with a price, but it may be more than Dr. Stephens is willing to pay… and, it’s not about the money.
Dreams 2 The Stories We will Tell Jack Cunningham
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
For those who enjoy reading about the history (almost) of Organized Labor, The FBI, Communists in America, and Swedish Immigrants, this book is for you.
Drones and Stealth Warfare Harold L. Mansfield
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Medal of Honor winner Col. Olivia South, after recovering from injuries received during an insurgent attack on her support unit comes up with a plan to degrade ISIL through the imaginative and creative use of drones and of stealth warfare. She submits her ideas to the Department of Defense. The President of the United States reviews and accepts her plans and they are put into effect with dramatic results in terms of degrading ISIL in Iraq. Thus, a heroine become an ever greater heroine.
EAA Florentino Caraveo
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637907436
Tronos: Hija mía, la guerra es muy peligrosa. ¡Puedes morir allá! Shagal: Sé a lo que me enfrento, padre. Mas no tengo miedo. Al contrario, estoy muy emocionada de embarcarme en esta nueva empresa que está por principiar. Padre, estaré en donde los más valientes y fieros osmaidets cobrarán fama. Enfrentaré al imperio más poderoso que jamás se había visto en la historia. Por nada me podría perder la oportunidad de pelear al lado de la osmaidet más temida del universo, Kalila. Navegaré por el espacio al lado de los míticos ettoreones liderados por el príncipe César. Seré testigo de la ferocidad de millones de saukys en los combates. Aprenderé de los más valientes generales como el gran Zo ...
Earth, Air, Fire & Water Mark Rodgers
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
1 Ms. Robinson’s Gardens When Jason takes a job tending gardens, he becomes infatuated with the beautiful woman who hires him. 2 Bane of the Black Witch After an airliner becomes damaged during takeoff, Lizzie Jones is blamed because of her chosen spiritual path. 3 The Dauphine On a faraway planet, Beck faces mindless beasts, bombs and fire when he attempts to return a young queen to her throne. 4 Before the Flood Clarisse learns a horrible truth when she lets her curiosity take over and listens in on a private conversation at the switchboard.
Ebb / Flow CFK Creative Writing Club Volume 2 | Spring 2023
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885679350
This vivid anthology of the students of The College of the Florida Keys features poems, stories, and essays, as well as underwater photography features. In addition, the winners of the annual Elizabeth Bishop Poetry Prize are included in each annual issue. Find works centered on music, history, relationships, and the landscape of The Florida Keys.

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