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All books using the keywords: Joe DiMino on page 2

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Selected Poetry And Spiritual Observations of Joe DiMino Joe DiMIno
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Selected poetry and spiritual observations by Joe DiMino. Here are some of my favorite poems and also original opinions I have formed over the years, covering such topics as "Free Will," the "Suffering of God's Faithful," "Black Holes," "Dark Matter" and other topics of metaphysical interest. Much of the science I discus, while at the time written was considered far-out theory, has since been proven by science, that indeed distant galaxies are accelerating away from our own and not slowing down, and that energy does escape from Black Holes in contrast to what mainstream science of the day was speculating.
Unified Theory Joe DiMino
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Abstract: Unified Theory: All the major forces from gravity to magnetism, from weak to strong force are explained in such a way as to show they are really extensions of the same phenomenon. In addition this paper explains thoroughly why distant galaxies are speeding up and where matter ends up once it has entered a black hole. It describes fully the processes involved in the creation of a black hole, and also the ultimate fate of a black hole as it dissolves back into the fabric of space and time. Here is also a new understanding of space and time, which redefines Einstein's Theory showing that time does not change, but in fact, distance is flexible and relative to the speed of an objec ...

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