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All books using the keywords: Jamell Crouthers on page 6

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The World In Ruins Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 4 star rating(9)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781718049994
A young teenager named Derek is seeing the world and how terrible it is in the current time he’s living in. He goes into the future in a dream he has and travels 50 years into the future, only to find out the world is in disarray and it’s in complete ruin and turmoil. As he’s going around the world in this time machine, he soon realizes that the world he currently lives in, has to be changed in order to prevent the future from looking the way he’s seeing it in his dream. The question is, can a young kid living a world full of ‘know-it-all’ adults save the world from looking like an all-out catastrophe? Time will tell, for the future may not even be guaranteed.
The World We Live In Part 1 (Book 1 of 5) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 4 star rating(6)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781546335900
This book focuses on 19 fictional characters that chronicle life experiences that they've dealt with through prose writing. Each person discusses an experience that has changed and impacted them in ways they never thought of (alcohol addiction, homelessness, women’s issues, domestic violence and many others). These fictional characters only have names, race or ethnicity is not discussed because the goal is to feel, understand and relate to their experiences as human beings. Too many times in today's society we base things off of social stigmas, race, ethnicity, social class when we are all human beings with daily struggles that no one will ever know.
The World We Live In Part 2 Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 4 star rating(4)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781546336211
A continuation of the series, the characters in the book have gone through life changing experiences, some it has changed for the better, some for the worst? How are these characters dealing with and coping after these life changing events? How has Christina recovered from being raped at a party? How is Michael dealing with the summer months being homeless? So many things have happened since the first book, it's only fitting that you read part 2 to the series of The World We Live In. This is a book where these characters continue to chronicle their lives and the struggles they deal with on a daily basis.
The World We Live In Part 3 Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781973890119
The series continues with Part 3 of the World We Live In as the 19 characters are experiencing and going through new things in their lives. Some are still struggling to get their lives right and others are making a turn for the best after certain events they have gone through. Christina gets her day in court with her perpetrators, will Kevin finally get off the streets after months of being homeless? What is Steve’s life now after all of the events he’s dealt with and gone through? How does Nathan handle all of the turmoil that comes his way after his announcement? This is another book full of emotion, feelings and a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs with each character. As they contin ...
The World We Live In Part 4 Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781796450330
The World We Live In Part 4 is about all of these characters growing and learning that life is a journey. With each character going through a range of emotions and feelings, they reach out to the most important people in their lives. This book takes a different direction in the way these characters express themselves. Some have taken on paths to bettering relationships with family members or friends that matter to them most. When you’re going through things in your life, who are the closest people in your life that you confide in? An emotional rollercoaster that will make you appreciate life way more after reading this book.
The World We Live In Part 5 Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781797766829
The ending of the series, the question is what’s to come of these character’s lives? Will Christina be able to cope with her tragic event and be able to speak on it to a broader audience? How will Nathan’s impact on sports be now that he’s come out as a gay man? Will Heather become stronger for herself and kick the alcohol addiction and become closer to her children? It’s a journey of the characters and how they’re approaching the future and what’s to come. While many stories have happy endings, life has a way of making you realize that it isn’t always about happily ever after but about going through experiences to make you stronger than you’ll ever be.

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