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Scriptural Sciences on page 3

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The Big 6 of Genesis Dr. C. Thomas Anderson
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
How did creation happen? Who did Cain marry? What was Cain's mark? Where did multiple wives come from? What happened to the Dinosaurs? How did Noah get all the animals on the ark? Added Bonus: 7 Steadfast Principles You can Count On
The Foundation and Pillars of the Biblical Worldview Dr. Robert Fugate
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781949346015
The Foundation and Pillars of the Biblical Worldview offers an in-depth analysis of the Biblical worldview. The first section explains worldviews, emphasizing epistemology, demonstrating that if one does not begin with God’s Word, he cannot justify any knowledge about anything. The second section lays the foundation for the Biblical worldview: The Bible is the standard of truth. Here the doctrines of revelation (including the insufficiency of general revelation), inspiration & inerrancy of Scripture, and 7 properties of Scripture are analyzed. The largest section explains the 8 pillars/key doctrines that uphold a Biblical worldview. Christians lacking any of these pillars do not have the ...
The Puzzled Cleric: The Bible vs Neo-Science Paul Raines
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Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book contains The Bible vs Neo-Science, The Puzzled Cleric, A song, the Pendulum Trick exposed, the calcined Philosopher, Rejection at British Museum, and a Letter to Earth Not a Globe Review, all by Iconoclast.
The Trinity and Overcoming Dr. Jerry O. Lee, DD
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885675338
The subject of this teaching is about "The Trinity", and what we want to do is dig so deep into this that we go past the flowers, we go past the twigs, we go past the vine, and we grab hold of the very roots themselves -- because what we are digging for is roughed in the secret of the root. Lower than the most voluminous parts is the seed who gave it dispersed life. We're going for the seed. We're going for the innermost being from out of which will flow rivers of living waters. Hallelujah to Jesus! Praise the Name of God.
Tracks Upon The Mountain Of Transfiguration Dr. Jerry O. Lee, DD
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798890902238
Follow the Forensic Tracks of Jesus Christ to the top of Mount Hermon. Dig into the mystery of Mount Hermon - The Mount of Transfiguration. Moses will be called to the front of action as to what his part in the meeting with Jesus was on the Mount. The term "Resurrection" will come into a new affluence of understanding as to the fullness of what Jesus was saying when He said: "I am the Resurrection." Welcome to deep Biblical insights from the Broadcast Transmission Series of the Holy Manifest.
Understanding Water Baptism Dr. BJ Pruitt
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The meaning and result of Water Baptism can be understood only in the light of the redemptive death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.......Jesus commanded that all nations be put into communion with God and His Kingdom, and this is symbolized by baptism MATT. 28:18-20......there is an experience with God to be attained in Water Baptism. Countless thousands in all denominations are experiencing the reality of Acts 2:38. This experience in turn leads to another experience.... the Holy Spirit Baptism Acts 2:39. This experience leads to another experience.... the Fullness of God Himself Eph. 3:19.
Welcome to the Land of Milk and Honey - An Interpretive Guide to the Historical Writings in the Book of Genesis David Parrish
Books with a 5 star rating(2)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
A modernized interpretation of the Book of Genesis, based on documented history, scientific discoveries, archaeological evidence, linguistics studies, and human DNA analysis, with minor rearrangements of texts and additions from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees, the Book of Giants, the Book of Jasher, other apocryphal texts, and public knowledge of Masonic teachings. This book is intended to deliver a greater understanding to humankind, promote peace and equality for all humans, unite humanity, and elevate the human race.
Who Are The Mortals Dr. Jerry O. Lee, DD
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798885670968
In all the lands of the earth there was not a land as majestic as the Land of Eden. There it was that the powers of the principalities of the angels were in alignment with the energies of nature and the emerging generations of the creations. Nowhere in the whole earth were the cycles of life more evident and better understood to lead to life, and life was understood to be a WHEEL. And the creatures were inspired by the beauty of the foliage, the flowers, and the plants...
Zetetic Astronomy: The Ultimate Archival Proofs of Parallax Paul Raines
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Zetetic Astronomy: The Ultimate Archival Proofs of Parallax contains the complete 1885 edition of Zetetic Astronomy. Also contains Experimental Proofs, Zetetic Philosophy, Letters to Liverpool, Essays of Rowbotham, and Wonders of Phosphorus, plus other interesting information from Rowbotham.

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