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The Sequel - Josie's Life "The Edge Of Darkness" Trisha J. Thoms
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633183353
Josie’s Life the Sequel is a love story in which her life finally comes together in her early twenty’s when she takes matters into her own hands, at least so it would seem. Her fate awaits as she heads into the unknown territory of a grown-up relationship of love, intimacy, confusion, and bewilderment. Life’s final blow slaps her in the face when she finally finds her father under unimaginable circumstances, her life is turned upside down, and her mental state slips into . . . “The Edge of Darkness.”
The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 1 (Book 1 of 5) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 4 star rating(8)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781546335542
This book is about a young man named Robert who chronicles a poetic diary about his struggles through childhood of having a drug addicted mother and a deadbeat father. He is working his way through life learning a lot of rights and wrongs while being a role model to his younger brother. There's one man who cared about him and his well-being, his guidance counselor Mr. Marble who molds him into a better man, is a role model to him and shows him a better way of life. Through the trials and tribulations of life, Robert chronicles his thoughts and experiences on various issues such as family, love, relationships, his neighborhood and growing into the man he wants to be. This book shows that ...
The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 2 (Book 2 of 5) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781979776752
Robert is growing and still going through a lot of experiences in his life. This book deals with a range of deaths as he loses some important people in his life. With death, there’s a sense of feeling lost and not knowing what to do. With no family to turn to and his brother Michael still locked up in prison, he doesn’t have too many places to turn to, to emote all that he is going through. It takes him going to therapy to treat the depression he is dealing with along with having a heavy heart. His therapy sessions allow him to deal with the anguish and pain that he’s going through and it allows him to grow and head in the right direction. Another book of personal growth, daily struggles ...
The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 3 (Book 3 of 5) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781798644089
Robert is going through a growth transition in his life from reflecting on his old neighborhood he lived in to losing his friends and going through therapy to deal with all that goes on in his mind. While dealing with those things, he learns about how hard it is to love when he hasn’t received it his whole life, all while trying to find himself through all of the madness in his life. His younger brother Michael comes home from prison and it’s a new adjustment to having him around again and trying to get Michael acclimated to life in the real world again. While Robert finally figures out what his passion is and what he wants to do with his life, Michael is chronicling his life behind pris ...
The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 4 (Book 4 of 5) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781797810256
This book goes back and forth with thoughts and experiences Robert and Michael are going through. They are both still trying to learn about themselves, life and their paths. Michael goes back to visit the place he grew up in and is caught up in a drive-by shooting that changes his mindset on life. Robert is at wits end with the city he’s living in and after all that he’s been through, his goal is to be a motivational speaker. This takes him to a place he thought he would never live. You will see and realize that sometimes in order to achieve your goals and dreams, you must make certain sacrifices and decisions to get there. Part of it is personal growth and the other part of it is leavin ...
The Struggles and Growth of a Man Part 5 (Book 5 of 5) Jamell Crouthers
Books with a 5 star rating(1)
Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781090118660
The ending of the series where the most important subjects about growth as a man are discussed. Robert shares his deepest thoughts on life, his experiences and how he’s grown into the man he is today. Being a man in today’s world is hard because of all of the stigmas and expectations from everyone else. Robert pens the most important things to focus on when you are learning about yourself as a man and becoming the best person you can be. Robert has finally come into his own and he’s thankful for the journey he’s been through and looks forward to impacting others in his future.
The Tales of Vallenia Joshua Flavell
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Spiral Bound
Vallenia is a world of unearthly beauty, with its dual moons and exotic landscapes, this planet is like something out of a fairytale. However, despite its outward beauty, Vallenia is home to some of the most terrifying beasts in all the realms. The Tales of Vallenia is a comprehensive, custom 5E compendium. This book is set in the world of Vallenia, with over 1500 miles of fantastical lands to explore. This book features maps of every major settlement and introduces over 100 new weapons and armor options, including mechanics for gear customization, damage, and degradation. The Tales of Vallenia features many new and exciting game mechanics, including; a revamped economy, random weathe ...
The Wandering Cristal Sipple-Underwood & Andrew Underwood
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781648587849
Imagine a world where being different is better than being ordinary. In book two of the series, Sarah and Ben, along with their friends, embark on another paranormal adventure. Two weeks after solving a murder mystery in their home town, the kids are headed to summer camp. Little did their parents know, keeping them out of trouble would be way more difficult than anticipated. Once more, the ghost-hunting team of misfit kids, are thrown into uncharted territory. New alliances bring unexpected changes to their recently discovered powers and to the purpose of their group abilities, a purpose that surpasses all expectations and steers them toward a future they may not be ready for. This will ...
This is Home Ashley Ferris
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
You thought life as complicated for Charlee in the past, just wait to see what book two of the Home series brings. Charlee has found a place to call home, at least she hopes. Now she has to find a way to deal with a fresh new year, in a new town, with a new family, and new friends. Will she be able to get her two worlds to collide easily finally? Or will her life continue on its strenuous path? This new life is supposed to be easy. Will it be? I guess you'll have to read to find out what in the world Miss Charlee Baker gets herself into.
This isn't the end Dylan K
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Miles thought he knew Nick. That is until one day when visiting his grave he meets a girl who claims to know a lot more. Miles trusts her, and she opens a world of new things that Miles never thought possible. Follow the story of a young boy as he deals with grief, unchecked anger, resentment and sadness. What happens when he finds out things aren't the way it seemed?

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