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Fiction & Literature > Historical Fiction on page 4

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Murder in Irvington: a reporter's journal Robert A. Fangmeier
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781880788356
A fictionalized retelling of the murder of Madge Oberholtzer by the KKK Grand Dragon, D.C. Stephenson
Pack: The Ulfhednar Saga Jaime Boatwright
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Valdis Didn't have an easy life. As the oldest child born to the pack alphas, her mother expected much of her. Val only wanted to be free. To run and hunt as a wolf or make friends in human form. She felt confined and once her pack began to die and the animals fled the land, she felt helpless. When a strange wolf that she had never seen before came to her offering help, she knew it was her chance to escape and to save her kin. Torstein enthralled Val and her brother Bran with tales of the Gods and beasts brought to life with ancient magic. Could they save their pack? Was this stranger the answer they needed?
Pawns in the Sugarcane Christopher Jacobellis
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Size: 5" x 8"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Pawns in the Sugarcane is an action-packed story based on American covert operations on the island of Cuba months before the outbreak of the Spanish American War. This work of Historical Fiction tells the story of an American officer and his six Marines that were sent to Cuba under orders in the guise of army deserters. Their mission was to train members of the Cuba Libre and survey possible landing sights for potential offensive operations against the occupying Spanish. Our hero finds intrigue when his orders take him to places he wasn't supposed to go. He and his men find themselves in situations that test the boundaries of his authority and mission when they collide with the realitie ...
Pictures of the Socialistic Future Roy Pitchford
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Originally published in German in 1893 and later translated into English, Pictures of the Socialistic Future is a fictitious, yet realistic view of a pure Socialist society as described by the politician August Bebel. Its author, Eugen Richter, was a member of the Reichstag for several years and a staunch anti-socialist. The novel is written similarly to a diary by a man living in Berlin with his wife and 3 children. The book opens with his joy of the new Socialist society which has been created, but over the course of the book, we learn of difficulties occurring throughout the society and their impact on this family. This is a 21st century update and re-translation into English. A ...
Pontius Mark Darby Slater
Books with a 0 star rating(1)
Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Pontius tries to maintain peace, swept into a world of constant rebellions and military massacres as recorded by the respected Hebrew historian Flavius Josephus. Includes the Biblical accuracy in this complete, unabridged, composite drama, The Trial of Yeshua Ha Mashiach,(Jesus The Messiah), as reported by the Gospel writers. Recalled to Rome to be confronted by the hideous Emperor Caligula, charged with killing the defenseless Samaritans and the Prince of Peace. His life in jeopardy, Pontius must find an escape for himself, Claudia and their loyal friends.
Retribution Road Mel Shutz
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637905142
Lillian Lassiter, like many young women in the 1930s wants to be a movie star. Going to Hollywood, giving herself a new name and finding herself a film director/mentor, is just the beginning for the now Lilli Lange. He turns out to be a monster in a director's body. He learns that Lilli is not one to repeatedly harass. Misadventures of our would-be actress, seeking fame, happiness, and love, take us to four scenes of the crimes. A few dead bodies will be enough evidence that revenge can be assured if you mess with this miss. The author, Mel Shutz is a senior citizen, who lives in Prescott, AZ with his best pal, Crosby, the dog who thinks he's really a person in a dog costume.
Robin Hood and Her Merry Men B.A. NinChi Mu Shiki Lang
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781633184633
What if Robin Hood wasn’t the man you thought him to be—what if he wasn’t a man at all? Robin of Locksley is young, headstrong, and about to receive the worst birthday present of her life. Still struggling to define herself in a society that believes women are fit for little more than governing a household and bearing children, she balks at her father’s plans for her future, but the consequences of her rebellion prove deadly. Hunted by both her father and the Sheriff, Robin is forced to hide her identity and seek refuge as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest. Disguised as a lad for protection, Robin maintains a careful isolation from the world around her…until she chances upon a young boy ...
Run Jessup Run! "The Desired Cravings of Madame Edna." All Day Production, LLC
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9781637906071
Edna who has embodied the name Medieval Edna, would force her slave to become her bed warmer on those cold winter night. One night her sexual slave Jesse who is also the husband to an in-house slave Sarah plan and execute an escape with other slaves. Once Medieval Edna catches wind of the news, She orders her plantation overseer and driver to retrieve her slave Jesse. With Unraveling truths and a Daring Lust, could Edna’s order be for the benefit of the plantation or her selfish lustful desires.
Secret Universe Brittney Bond
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Learn about the history on religion and ancient cultures.
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The world, as we know it, no longer exists. Two thousand years of destruction left very few people alive in villages and living rough. There are some occult happenings and common, everyday primitive comings and goings. Two men decide to get out of the village life and settle in the wilderness by a lake. A mysterious find opens up a new life for them. The problem is this: They don't know what it is, how it can be used, and why should they even. Our lead actor is a good hearted older man that causes problems everywhere he goes. He is not well known getting things done other than what he doing at the exact minute you may speak to him. He has tunnel vision to the nth degree Fortunately he ...

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