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TJ & Tosc

TJ & Tosc cover image
TJ & Tosc cover image TJ & Tosc cover image TJ & Tosc cover image
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by: Suhail Rafidi
Books with a 5 star rating  (2)
Publication Date: October 11, 2012
Book Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 262
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9780988338906

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Book Synopsis
DISCOVER THE TALE of Salvador Tosc, an artificial intelligence who was once a human being. Long ago, he was invasively scanned into an optical computer as an act of murder. Generations later, Salvador enlists the aid of his great- grandson, Raymond, to help exact revenge on the cartel responsible. Read TJ & Tosc and enter a futurist world of cybernetic warfare and genetic engineering, where endearing characters reveal the nuances of love, knowledge of self, and the power of mind.
Customer Comments
Peggy Cline
Posted: January 7, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
I just finished reading "TJ & TOSC." It is one of those books you can't put down and must keep reading constantly. I definitely think it would make an excellent Sci-Fi movie. Made me think of "I am Legend" and "Hunger Games" in parts of it, but it has its own energy and imagination. Hope it gets into the right hands to be made into a movie. It definitely is an edge of your seat novel, but has depth and emotion in it.
Rima Rafidi-Kern
Posted: January 27, 2013
Customer comment 5 star rating
I first started the book a while back when it first came out and ended up putting it aside for a while because I found it hard to follow after the first couple of chapters. I picked it up again recently and started to read it from the beginning. I really liked it, especially the 2nd. half. I have to admit that the first few chapters were a bit hard for me to follow but I can understand that now that I have finished it. It had too much narrative that we needed to know for later, but at that point in the book it was a bit overwhelming (at least for me). Now that I finished it I can see how you need to write another book just for the first half of the book. For me, it would have been easier to follow if it had more "conversations" between the characters like the 2nd. Part of the book did. It's kind of like "Star Wars" where we got to see the last 3 parts first back in the '70s and '80s and
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