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Time Canyon

Time Canyon cover image
Time Canyon cover image Time Canyon cover image Time Canyon cover image
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by: Scott Bowen
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Publication Date: February 27, 2022
Book Size: 4.25" x 6.87"
Pages: 284
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781311725868

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Book Synopsis
Danny Williams goes through his daily routine of preparing for work. He knows this could be his last day on the job, he thinks about it every time he dresses for work. You see Danny is a Arizona Sheriff's Deputy. Danny would not be prepared for what was going to happen on this quiet night in the desert. On this night he falls asleep,waking up in 1880's Arizona of the old west. He meets a beautiful woman rancher and helps save her ranch. Danny tries to explain his modern equipment and at the same time tries to find a way back home. He befriends the local Indians and helps the town Marshal. He has an adventure that he knew he would never be able to explain to his fellow Deputies back home.
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About The Author
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S.J. Bowen is a retired law enforcement officer with almost 30 years of service. Writing has helped him to cope with the pressures of the job. He has a Masters in Business management and has taught law enforcement classes at the local college. When he is not writing he is camping and fly fishing, now living in Idaho. He volunteers with Habitat for Humanity and loves wood working. Two more fictions are in the works and a behind the scenes look at the Justice System.
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