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The Incredible Adventures of Bumper The Bunny

The Incredible Adventures of Bumper The Bunny cover image
The Incredible Adventures of Bumper The Bunny cover image The Incredible Adventures of Bumper The Bunny cover image The Incredible Adventures of Bumper The Bunny cover image
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by: Reginald Jacob Block
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Publication Date: September 13, 2020
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 98
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Book Synopsis
Bumper sets out to earn a name. The year he was born, there were too many bunnies and not enough names for all of them. Every name had to have a story before it could be entered into The Book of Names. Through the course of his adventures, he learns that he is a special bunny with a mission to prevent the ultimate release of evil upon the entire world. Only he can do it, as foretold in the ancient Lagorian prophecies. Together with his friends, professor Harebrane and Thadeuseum, they take on the forces of darkness lurking in the Dark Forest and beyond Silver Sea.
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