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Tabby Cat Sid

Tabby Cat Sid cover image
Tabby Cat Sid cover image Tabby Cat Sid cover image Tabby Cat Sid cover image
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by: Nikki Clotfelter
Books with a 0 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: July 25, 2014
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 43
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color
ISBN: 9781633181458

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Book Synopsis
Meet the real Tabby Cat Sid, the animal behind the antics that occurred at Hickory Hills Elementary School! For a year, he would stop and stare at the kids through the classroom windows before he found his way inside the building. During his “visit” he swung on blinds, knocked over books, and was eventually found hiding in a pile of school uniforms. Sid could not continue to use the school as his home, so he was taken to a horse farm out in the country.
It was Sid’s real-life adventures that inspired the unbelievable story of Tabby Cat Sid.
Customer Comments
Posted: December 8, 2014
Customer comment 0 star rating
I loved this book so much I bought it as Christmas gifts for my young relatives! I love the story of Tabby Cat Sid and the illustrations are fantastic! A terrific book that I will add to my collection of children's books.