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STOPPING SCHOOL STRESS - How Students Can Have A Spectacular School Year

STOPPING SCHOOL STRESS - How Students Can Have A Spectacular School Year cover image
STOPPING SCHOOL STRESS - How Students Can Have A Spectacular School Year cover image STOPPING SCHOOL STRESS - How Students Can Have A Spectacular School Year cover image STOPPING SCHOOL STRESS - How Students Can Have A Spectacular School Year cover image
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by: Anne Graham Striff
Books with a 0 star rating  (4)
Publication Date: August 8, 2018
Book Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Pages: 97
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White
ISBN: 9781642544725

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Book Synopsis
"STOPPING SCHOOL STRESS - How To Have A Spectacular School Year" is an outstanding resource for students ages 8 - 18 because it gives them HUNDREDS of important facts, details, suggestions, words of wisdom and advice on EVERYTHING related to school. This wonderful fun book tells kids: how to get organized, how to make friends, how to plan and prepare for class each day, how to read for comprehension, how to memorize words or facts easily, how to study and review for tests. It provides great tips on how to prepare for oral reports, how to handle lunch and PE classes, how to deal with different types of kids, what to do with paperwork, being organized at home to complete homework correctly, how to avoid stress in the mornings at home, understanding how to read and remember what you just read, learning the best study techniques, 100 inspiring mantras. There's no other book like it out there, so it's the perfect choice for school children and teens. Includes 600 mantras for students.
Customer Comments
Posted: August 8, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
Oh my gosh, I am so thankful that I found this book for my kids. It is a life-saver. My kids are 7, 12, and 16 and ALL of them have found this book to be a great resource for all kinds of things related to school. It told them (and me) how to keep all their things organized, how to make friends, terrific ways to memorize all kinds of things, great study tips, etc. I can't believe it took me so long to find a great book like this. It really is the best book we've ever read on whatever you want to learn or improve on in school for all ages of kids. I wish I had known this information when I was a child or teenager, and it makes helping my kids feel better about school so much easier. We learned so many helpful tips to learn facts, memorize things, how to keep track of all the paperwork, and everything. I think every student and teacher should have this book because it gives so many helpful tips and information that we can all use for school. I hope everyone buys it for their kids. I need to hug the author for writing this super book. A relieved mom in Maryland.
Posted: August 8, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
Great book. Lots of helpful and needed information for kids and their parents. Wish I found it years ago.
Posted: August 8, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
This book is amazing. I can't believe all the information that was packed into this one book, it talks about everything related to school- homework, making friends, handling papers, memorizing stuff easily and fun, reading tips to remember so much better. My daughter learned so much and feels a lot better now. That author is a God-send. You can tell she was a teacher and really cares about kids. Buy this book, you wont be disappointed. I'm a single mother with a 13 year old daughter that was struggling in school, but now she's doing so much better and actually loves school now. Who-hoo! Jeanne from Indiana
Posted: August 8, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
My kids and I loved this book. It was a great help with so many things - homework, making friends, how to get organized, memorizing things, etc. It's a wonderful helpful book for all kids and teachers too. We loved it and bought extras for my kids friends.
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