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Smart Strategies for Rapid Growth

Smart Strategies for Rapid Growth cover image
Smart Strategies for Rapid Growth cover image Smart Strategies for Rapid Growth cover image Smart Strategies for Rapid Growth cover image
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by: Wendy Byford
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Publication Date: February 10, 2022
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 76
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color

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Book Synopsis
What if you could find up to $100,000 additional income without spending more money on marketing and advertising? You can. In this book I walk you through 10 of the strategies I use to do just that for my business breakthrough clients.

These proven revenue-generators are outlined in an easy-to-read style so you can get to the core of what you need to do quickly and begin implementing each as part of your business strategy.

Curious to see what impact these strategies may have on your revenue and profit? Go to
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