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Lighting Carysfort Reef Vol 1: The Lightships

Lighting Carysfort Reef Vol 1: The Lightships cover image
Lighting Carysfort Reef Vol 1: The Lightships cover image Lighting Carysfort Reef Vol 1: The Lightships cover image Lighting Carysfort Reef Vol 1: The Lightships cover image
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by: Neil Hurley
Books with a 0 star rating  (3)
Publication Date: January 4, 2018
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 166
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

Usually ships within 5 - 7 business days
Book Synopsis
Volume 1 of “Lighting Carysfort Reef” tells the story of the lightships that were placed on Carysfort Reef, Florida from 1826 until 1852. Numerous shipwrecks caused the area to become known as the most dangerous section of coastline in the southeastern United States. In response, Congress authorized the building of the lightship “Caesar” which was first lit in 1826. That ship was replaced by the lightship “Florida” in 1830. The Florida served until 1852 when it was replaced by Carysfort Reef Lighthouse.
During the time of their operation, the lightships of Carysfort Reef experienced shipwreck, mutiny, Indian attacks and hurricanes as well as responding to a continuing number of shipwrecks by passing vessels.
This book is a collection of historical accounts including letters, drawings, government reports and period newspaper articles about the early efforts to make the reef safe for passing ships.
Customer Comments
Posted: October 27, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
Book Review by Thomas A. Tag published in U.S. Lighthouse Society Keeper’s Log Summer 2018

Lighting Carysfort Reef (Two-Volume Set) by Neil E. Hurley
I enjoyed reading the books about Lighting Carysfort Reef because I found in these books not only a complete history of the lightships and lighthouse but also the detailed historical documents and photos that back up the stories. Each entry also includes endnotes that give you the sources of the historic information.
The lightships and lighthouse are covered from their inception to their current status. Included are all of the details of the keepers, history, construction, optics and more. After reading these books, you will have a thorough understanding of the history of the Carysfort Reef and all the happenings throughout its nautical history.
The books can be a bit hard to read because they are a compilation of many newspaper clippings, ship groundings, mariner’s notices, and official records. They have a number of very interesting stories of happenings on the lightships and at the lighthouse, as well as life in the 1800’s in the Florida Keys.
The first book covers the construction of the first lightship at Carysfort Reef, one of the worst-built lightships in U.S. history, and its replacement, along with stories about Indian uprisings, the death of the keeper of the lightship, and the events on the reef during the Civil War.
The second book covers the building of the lighthouse with its unusual dwelling, and the many problems that occurred during its construction. Also included is a history of the many ships sunk or grounded on this dangerous reef. You will learn about the government’s botched purchase of a Fresnel lens for the lighthouse and how that delayed its construction.
The book allows you to take an armchair trip along the coast of Florida to see life in the mid-to-late 1800’s.
Posted: October 27, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
Book Review by Thomas A. Tag published in U.S. Lighthouse Society Keeper’s Log Summer 2018

Lighting Carysfort Reef (Two-Volume Set) by Neil E. Hurley
I enjoyed reading the books about Lighting Carysfort Reef because I found in these books not only a complete history of the lightships and lighthouse but also the detailed historical documents and photos that back up the stories. Each entry also includes endnotes that give you the sources of the historic information.
The lightships and lighthouse are covered from their inception to their current status. Included are all of the details of the keepers, history, construction, optics and more. After reading these books, you will have a thorough understanding of the history of the Carysfort Reef and all the happenings throughout its nautical history.
The books can be a bit hard to read because they are a compilation of many newspaper clippings, ship groundings, mariner’s notices, and official records. They have a number of very interesting stories of happenings on the lightships and at the lighthouse, as well as life in the 1800’s in the Florida Keys.
The first book covers the construction of the first lightship at Carysfort Reef, one of the worst-built lightships in U.S. history, and its replacement, along with stories about Indian uprisings, the death of the keeper of the lightship, and the events on the reef during the Civil War.
The second book covers the building of the lighthouse with its unusual dwelling, and the many problems that occurred during its construction. Also included is a history of the many ships sunk or grounded on this dangerous reef. You will learn about the government’s botched purchase of a Fresnel lens for the lighthouse and how that delayed its construction.
The book allows you to take an armchair trip along the coast of Florida to see life in the mid-to-late 1800’s.
Neil Hurley
Posted: October 27, 2018
Customer comment 0 star rating
Book Review by Thomas A. Tag published in U.S. Lighthouse Society Keeper’s Log Summer 2018

Lighting Carysfort Reef (Two-Volume Set) by Neil E. Hurley
I enjoyed reading the books about Lighting Carysfort Reef because I found in these books not only a complete history of the lightships and lighthouse but also the detailed historical documents and photos that back up the stories. Each entry also includes endnotes that give you the sources of the historic information.
The lightships and lighthouse are covered from their inception to their current status. Included are all of the details of the keepers, history, construction, optics and more. After reading these books, you will have a thorough understanding of the history of the Carysfort Reef and all the happenings throughout its nautical history.
The books can be a bit hard to read because they are a compilation of many newspaper clippings, ship groundings, mariner’s notices, and official records. They have a number of very interesting stories of happenings on the lightships and at the lighthouse, as well as life in the 1800’s in the Florida Keys.
The first book covers the construction of the first lightship at Carysfort Reef, one of the worst-built lightships in U.S. history, and its replacement, along with stories about Indian uprisings, the death of the keeper of the lightship, and the events on the reef during the Civil War.
The second book covers the building of the lighthouse with its unusual dwelling, and the many problems that occurred during its construction. Also included is a history of the many ships sunk or grounded on this dangerous reef. You will learn about the government’s botched purchase of a Fresnel lens for the lighthouse and how that delayed its construction.
The book allows you to take an armchair trip along the coast of Florida to see life in the mid-to-late 1800’s.
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