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Falsely Accused - The Journey and Testimony of Joseph Isaiah, III

Falsely Accused - The Journey and Testimony of Joseph Isaiah, III cover image
Falsely Accused - The Journey and Testimony of Joseph Isaiah, III cover image Falsely Accused - The Journey and Testimony of Joseph Isaiah, III cover image Falsely Accused - The Journey and Testimony of Joseph Isaiah, III cover image
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by: Vincent Mack, Sr.
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: September 4, 2016
Book Size: 6" x 9"
Pages: 158
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Black and White

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Available eBook Format(s): epub, mobi and pdf
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Book Synopsis
As a prophet of God, I am compelled to speak to the hearts of those who are reading this book. I take this opportunity to speak life into your spirit and impart unto you the wisdom of the Word of God. I pray that as you read through the following chapters the ruach (breath of God) will breathe a fresh wind on you and you will experience the joy of that divine connection.
This is my life story and my testimony. I was broken, battered and torn. But, God had a plan. In your reading, you will witness how I am truly overcome by my testimony. It was the sheer will of God that I lived the life that was given to me. From the time I was conceived, God had a plan for my life. Even though Satan tried to stop it, God’s plan for my life prevailed. I wrote this book to let the truth set me free.
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