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Deliciousness Of Yesteryear

Deliciousness Of Yesteryear cover image
Deliciousness Of Yesteryear cover image Deliciousness Of Yesteryear cover image Deliciousness Of Yesteryear cover image
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by: Nadine Greenberg
Books with a 5 star rating  (1)
Publication Date: August 6, 2018
Book Size: 8.5" x 11"
Pages: 225
Binding: Perfect Bound
Color: Color
ISBN: 9781642545210

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Book Synopsis
Nadine Greenberg is a loving daughter, wife, mother and grandmother who knows the importance of good food around the dining table. She learned from the great cooks of her family in North America and around the world, handed down from multiple generations. This is how she was taught. But what good knowledge if it is not passed along?

Now her experience, wisdom, and a few family secrets are being shared. Enjoy this trip down memory lane as Nadine explores the culinary traditions and warm values of days gone by. This delicious journey is yours to explore with old recipes that will be new to your table. Many of the recipes in this book have never been seen - let alone prepared by anyone outside her family. But friends and family have also contributed some present-day fare as well. Since the inception of this book, Nadine's relatives have been so supportive and shared their handwritten pages to enable good, wholesome food to live on through The Deliciousness of Yesteryear.
Customer Comments
Deborah Emett
Posted: September 16, 2018
Customer comment 5 star rating
Nadine Greenberg has created an instant classic in her masterful edition, "Deliciousness of Yesteryear". It is a vintage voyage down ethnic neighborhoods that give the reader the tastes and smells of the old country, or the new, if you prefer. Many of the foods are artfully displayed, along with many of the cooks who prepared them. It is a delightful read as one meanders, page by page, recipe by recipe, with short quips and snippets. Nadine has a remarkable sense of humor that doesn't demean her work, but tastefully adds to the experience overall. This is a joyous tribute to all of those fine cooks, unsung, who came out of our households and kitchens back in the days long before frozen TV dinners and "quick bites" to eat.
The new cook or more seasoned veteran can gain a lot from these pages. I appreciated the definitions in the back which provided an understanding of the difference between "roast" and "broil". Also, Nadine takes the time to explain to the novice the conversion of things like teaspoons into cups, what to substitute for missing ingredients, etc. The volume takes much of the mystery out of ethic cooking.
Finally, it is just a fun book to have around the house. "Aunt Erma" would get a good laugh and Julia Child would approve. This is a great way to tell your family that you love them through your culinary adventure, or to celebrate a new bride with a treasured "how-to" cookbook.