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90-Day Goal Planner

90-Day Goal Planner cover image
90-Day Goal Planner cover image 90-Day Goal Planner cover image 90-Day Goal Planner cover image
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by: Jannelle Hurst
Books with a 0 star rating  (0)
Publication Date: February 14, 2024
Book Size: 8.27" x 11.69"
Pages: 129
Binding: Spiral Bound
Color: Color
ISBN: 9798218359102

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Book Synopsis
We are beyond thrilled to unveil our latest creation: The Ultimate Goal Setting Planner! 📒✨

Join us in celebrating this momentous occasion as we introduce you to a tool that will revolutionize the way you approach your dreams and ambitions. Say hello to clarity, focus, and unstoppable progress!

Here's What's in Store for You:
🚀 Elevate Your Goals: Set clear, actionable objectives that propel you towards success.
📅 Plan with Precision: Seamlessly organize your days, weeks, and months to optimize productivity.
📝 Track Your Triumphs: Monitor your progress and celebrate every milestone along the way.
🌟 Cultivate Confidence: Build momentum and confidence as you witness your dreams materialize.
💫 Inspire Others: Become a beacon of motivation and inspiration in your community.

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